Tuesday, August 9, 2011


What courageous women - they have my utmost respect. Here is a link to a brief description of the story:

Truthfully, I don't know what I would do if I were in their position - hearing gunshots, screaming and seeing people run towards the water. Of course I would like to think I would go help and do the same thing as these 2 women, but what if I become paralyzed with fear and just stand there, unable to move?

Anyway, one thing about this story that got me thinking was why news articles have to use "lesbian couple" as a title. Well okay, I'm pretty sure why they do it - it's to catch attention. The thing is that this piece of news has not been reported widely and the global press has overlooked this. Obviously, it is because this couple is lesbian. So the smaller news groups tell the story, and then comment on how this has been overlooked. And the placement of "lesbian" in the name helps catch peoples attention, I believe. But must we really label people like that? I mean, you dont see in the headlines "A heterosexual couple saves 40 kids". But I suppose this happens with many minority groups - you would often hear "A black man did * something*" rather than "a white male....", unless the story about the white male has something to do with someone of another race.

But anyways, that was just my random tidbit :P

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