Friday, August 19, 2011

Dreams be dreams

Two night ago, I had a dream about a monster apocalypse. I think it stemmed from the music video for the song 'Party Rock' because I watched it that night. The monsters in my dream were not scary (thank goodness), they were actually cartoon-like and just weird. But the dream was still a bit frightful.

Then last night, I had a dream where there was a bomb strapped to me, and it was about to go off in a few minutes. Dream-Mel, who is oh-so-smart, ran to an area where there is a little bit of space and told everyone to clear out (it was a park like area, and I ran to a patch of grass where there was less people). Then, I looked at the bomb on my chest and realized there was 6 seconds left so I closed my eyes (in my dream) and when the bomb was about to go off...I woke up. Really scary :S One funny part was the at the beginning of the dream, the bomb was put onto Jim Sturgess (LOL), who is an English actor. He starred in Across the Universe, 21 and another new movie with Anne Hathway (again, I watched the youtube trailer for the movie, which is probably why he was in my dream). But then I become the bomb-person, which means that I was really Jim Sturgess...that's creepy.

Anyways, I don't believe that dreams really mean anything. I think they're just projections of things we encountered during our day, such as Party Rock vid --> monster apocalypse and Jim Sturgess movie trailer --> Jim sturgess strapped to a bomb, who turned into me. Although I am not quite sure where that bomb part came from...hmm. Maybe it does mean something and that I have a very limited time to live? Oh dear.

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