There are many people in my life that I consider as my inspiration. From the time I was cognitively able to understand what was going on in my family until now, my mother has been my inspiration. After coming to university, I've been in contact with a few amazing people and have been inspired by them. One of them is my boyfriend, Jordan.
It's kind of funny, because I've never really told him this. I've told him I have admired him, but admiration and being inspired are different things. I've only recently realized what an inspiration he is to me. Let me try to explain a bit more.
One of the most admirable qualities Jordan has is his aspiration to always try new things. I've never been much of a fan of stepping outside my comfort zone. You can tell that by my eating habits - I am perfectly fine going to a few of the same restaurants and ordering the same things over and over again. It's because I know it tastes good and I will enjoy it. And it's not only prevalent in food, but also from my involvements in school. My mind set has always been - do well in school and only get involved in activities if I have the time. But then, I always somehow convince myself I do not have the time, and in the end, I don't partake in new activities.
Ever since we started to date, I've noticed how many things he was involved in, how often he is out doing something different, from being in a fraternity to helping out with events for Eng Soc, to being an engineering counsillor. It strikes me to see how involved he is, and how he is able to manage his time. I was hardly involved in anything when I met him - I was just merely concentrating on school and doing random things and going forward from there. But since then, I have found myself looking for more opportunities, and getting informed on important issues and matters. And it feels so great!
One of the biggest things this year for me was getting involved in Fashion for Change. I took a risk and stepped out of my comfort zone and applied to be Fundraising and Finance Director back in last summer, and I got the position. It is a huge role and part of the reason why I wanted to do it, was that I also wanted to get involved. I wanted to do something different and work with a team to gain new leadership skills and experience, while helping out the community. Not only did Jordan encourage me to get involved in some activities, he also provided a great example by doing it himself.
Now, I feel much more connected to my campus and student life. Although I do still hesitate and sometimes, try to convince myself out of doing things, I am doing a better job at making my life more diverse, and spending my time on things that benefits my community and me as well. I've also found I have been more involved in getting to know politics, whether it is our FedS government or the upcoming Canadian election. I am still a newbie, and I still need to do research of which party I would like to vote for, but I will be voting this May. I am ashamed to say, I have never voted and I am 21 :( But it's not to late to start right?
There's people you meet that make such a great difference in your life, and J is definitely one of them, in many many ways. If you want to get to know more about him, his Twitter account is jdlui! :P
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