Friday, June 10, 2011

Flipping forward

What has university done to me?
I am currently reading a book by Jodi Picoult, named House Rules. I used to enjoy her books very much - I feel that she devours deeply into each character while delivering a intense, emotional story. I cried in one of her previous books. However, as I am reading this book, written in the same style, I can't help but flip forward hundreds of pages to see if I can skip forward and get to the exciting parts.
I used to like reading the characters thoughts, their past experiences cause I felt that allowed me to get to know them better. And now, I just keep thinking "I don't have time to read all of this, just get to the good part about the mystery and what happened." The funny thing is that I do have time, but keep telling myself otherwise. I keep thinking that I should read it the whole thing more carefully when I have more time, but when will I have more time than now, when I am out of school for the summer?
In the past year particularly, I have found myself rushing myself more to make sure I get stuff done. I have given myself more pressure to make sure I don't waste time and stay on top of things. It's a good mentality to have during busy times at university, but I feel it does affect me during my free time. I find I walk so fast to get from point A to point B and sometimes I need to slow down and look at the scenery.
Or maybe I am just reading into this too much (pun intended!). Maybe I just need a more exciting book. After all, I did just finish reading a book about a zombie apocalypse. And damn, it was exciting.

P.S. Now I feel that the first line of this blog post is way too dramatic, but I am just going to leave it.

P.P.S. The zombie book did play with me psychologically a bit, because for a fleeting moment, I thought my sister was a zombie. Seriously. She was outside, it was getting dark and she was hunched over and walking slowly towards me, her hair in her face. She wouldn't answer when I called her name but she kept walking towards me. Gah. Turns out she was holding 2 heavy bags (hence being hunched over) and couldn't hear me cause she was on the phone, via her headset, with her boyfriend. Phew.

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